PR enhances our agency work, from organic to paid to SEO and beyond

AIMCLEAR differs from other integrated performance marketing agencies in its commitment to building a public relations component—the work of our Communications Practice Group—at the center of client engagements. Few agencies that provide our level of ROI-forward, paid and organic digital marketing offer such a skill set and the value it creates for clients. Recently, AIMCLEAR […]

AI Content Generation: Useable, Cost-Effective Content with Brand-Busting Power

Dumpster Fire Image

Recently, KFC Germany experienced an AI content-driven PR disaster, which illustrates pitfalls that can accompany the deployment of dramatic technology for brands without appropriate human moderation. The true writers among us – journalists, authors, scribes, poets, script writers, and experienced PR pros – almost unanimously turn our collective noses in the air at the mere […]

Marketing MN Resorts, RV Parks, & Campgrounds: Free AIMCLEAR Webinar Tuesday, 4/28

Picture of Englishman Island in the Boundary Waters, to illustrate a sandy beach resort

The state of Minnesota has clarified guidelines for resorts, RV Parks, and campgrounds- sort of. Tourism businesses, their marketers, and agencies need to understand the state’s guidelines along with other challenges associated with promoting tourism to a Covid-wary public. While thousands of Minnesotans may want to get away, they have an entirely new set of […]

TripIt & Negative Reputation Management: How NOT to Handle an Upset Customer

flight delayed sign, because this post is about a false delay notification

Recently I had the displeasure of being mishandled by TripIt, after their paid Pro app put me (and some cherished travel mates) at risk, prompting a frustrated tweet from me about the negative experience. As a million+ mile traveler, I was excited to test the power of TripIt Pro – yet not aware how TripIt […]

Deepfakes, Brand Reputation, & Peloton Remind Us How NOT to Handle a PR Problem

Illustration of a man walking through a storm holding an umbrella

Google has had its share of controversies over the past few years, but one of the biggest has been over its perceived ability to make or break the reputation of individuals and brands. Equifax, anyone? As a result, the European Union has pursued “right to be forgotten” legislation to enable forcing Google to remove reputation-damaging […]

Influencer Marketing: Expand Your Flock With Social Media Targeting & Tactics

A flock of black bird silhouettes follow a blue spiral against a bright yellow background to introduce our post, Influencer Marketing: Expand Your Flock With Social Media Targeting & Tactics

Influencer marketing is all the rage, yet it’s definitely not a new concept. Even so, plenty of digital marketers are missing out on key social media methods to get in front of the influencers they’re after. Case in point: Google trends shows hyper growth in influencer marketing over the last 18 months. When you overlay […]

PR & Fake News Era: Creating CREDibility In Chaotic Info Climate

A Reporter peers over his glasses questioning our Fake News & PR blog post.

We all know that friend, colleague or spouse who never grasped the concept of The Onion. They’d post a Facebook diatribe, lamenting some injustice or perceived stupidity they just read about in “the news.” However, the joke was on them because they fell for a parody — a harmless, funny story on a famed humor […]

Moz Crisis PR: Announcing Layoffs with Class & Compassion

Character of a person or organization has little to do with financial or professional success when times are good. Instead, true character is often defined by how that person or organization shines in the face of difficulty. Such was the case last week when our wonderful friends at Moz announced a refined business focus — […]

Crisis Alert! Protecting Brand Reputation In The Digital Age

Too many communicators today only view a crisis within their own little bubble in the business. Social media folks react to social dustups while PR people react to media on unrelated issues. Investor relations types typically think only of how The Street will react to info. Legal often wants everyone to shut up and will […]