Content Amplification Dissected: The Steve Hammer #SMX Social Interview


Welcome back to AIMCLEAR‘s coverage of SMX Social! We may be back in Minnesota, but we’re still on a social high from all the hard core facts, strategies and overall best practices we encountered in Las Vegas. Continuing with our video interview series, Marcela and Steve Hammer, President of Rankhammer, have a frank discussion about content amplification.

“How do you get the content out there if you don’t have a built in audience?” Great question, Marcela! Steve mentions that if you don’t have a very robust audience, you can do one of two things: 1.) Spend a lot of time promoting and pushing it out to people directly or 2.) You can pay for it! In a lot of cases, the most important factor of a content amplification campaign is determining the audience you want to reach and finding out in what channel you can find them. Watch as Steve shares additional ideas for making the most out of your content and finding the best audience for your amplification strategy.

Yep, we have even MORE video interviews to share, so check back soon for more coverage from SMX Social!

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