This Is My Brain On SES…

presspassWell Search Engine Strategies New York 2008 is over, and it’s been amazing! My brain started getting full about Tuesday afternoon, but I keep stuffing information into it!

I’ve ended up pushing out some childhood memories to make room, but hopefully they were of grade school multiplication drills or something like that. I’ve compiled a little list of what I’ve learned, what was good and what sucked!

Thumbs Up search folks are super friendly! speakers are usually very cool folks and LIKE IT if you want to interview them after sessions!

  • Usability is not a dead art!
  • listening to Avinash Kaushik present – he peppers everything with “kicks ass” and “sucks hard!”
  • 80s New Wave music played between sessions!
  • Schwag schwag schwag!

Thumbs Down

  • most overused metaphor: “where the rubber meets the road.”
  • few plugs in conference rooms. Daily fisticuffs ensued to snag one
  • people who made complained about the typing noises as I live-blogged in seminars!

Conference blogging lessons:

  • Don’t book yourself solid with seminars. Your brain will be so full that the ones near the end of the day will not be retained. Leave some breathing room.
  • Don’t get too invested in what you hear in one seminar, the next one you attend will refute it.
  • Landing pages are dead.
  • Long live landing pages (as long as they are built by segmentation!)
  • Be sure to attend at least one seminar outside of what your “usual” interest area is – what you learn usually gives you a new perspective on what you already know!
  • Make more appointments for interviewers with speakers and other luminaries (I didn’t figure out until the last day how accessible most people were!)

I had an amazing time SES! See you next time!

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