Tweet On! @AIMCLEAR is Still Rockin’ the Tent at #SMX Advanced

HELLO from Seattle! We’re having a blast at SMX Advanced this year working the podium, catching up with friends, mingling with some new faces, and, oh yeah, seeing the awesome pictures that YOU are taking in our tent! In case you missed our announcement on Friday, you can enter to win a seriously cool prize if you follow these simple steps.

For a chance to win $1K of Facebook media spend to promote your Facebook page content to expertly targeted psychographics, TODAY is the last day to stop by and snap a photo in our tent. Tweet a picture from inside the big, orange AIMCLEAR tent and make sure to @mention @aimclear to enter! It’s that easy!

Ready to size up your competition? Here are a few of our entries so far.

Jon-Karl Klietsch (@jklietsch) tweeted us first with this little snapshot. Recognize any of those feet?


Next up, Melissa from SEO Aware (@SEOAware) shared this wiggy little nugget. Where did those come from?! And where can I get one?


When Ric Dragon hopped into the ol’ tent with Marty, things got interesting in a hurry. Thanks, Melissa, for sharing this piece of evidence with us!


Keeping the tent hoppin’, miniature travel expert Javi the Frog, (@gvcostarica), showed off his wild side by donning this fun, pink little number.


The photo session doesn’t stop there! Jennifer Sable Lopez (@jennita) shared a photo of friends Erica McGillivray (@emcgillivray) and Ashley Tate (@ashtate) from Moz. Lookin’ good, ladies!


Moving right along, Thomas Ciszek (@ciszek) of Cojoin captured this precious moment in time when Greg Boser and Bruce Clay joined Marty in our tent.


Then it was Thomas’s turn 🙂


Ashley Tate shared her own photo (minus the wigs this time!) at the tent of the hour and hung out for a while with Erica McGillivray and Marty.


It was the day of the group shots, it seems! Jody Resnick (@jodyresnick1) from Trighton Interactive made his way into the tent for his chance to get in on the action, too.


Keri Morgret (@KeriMorgret) from Moz took a breather from all the SMX action to chill out with Marty for a spell. Keri took this little snapshot of Marty as they were hangin’ in the tent.


Bursting into the tent charming as ever, Amy Vernon (@AmyVernon) bonded with the AIMCLEAR crew when she swung by the tent this morning.


Last but certainly not least, Rick Galan (@RickGalan) popped in just a bit ago with his pal Eric Farmer. Lovin’ it!


And that’s a wrap for our tent pics for now! Don’t you wish YOU could have a picture in the AIMCLEAR tent? If you’re in Seattle for SMX Advanced this week, don’t miss your chance at the prize by entering our contest. The competition is stiff, the tent is ready, and YOU might just be the winner!

Check out the Official Twitter Contest Rules for more info! Remember, you have through today to enter. Happy tweeting!





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