35 Totally Free Google Analytics API Resources

Analytics graph of total visits, new visits, and returning visit over 3 months.

All over the world, SEM industry bellwether Twitter’s rocking with chatter surrounding the long awaited public beta release of the Google Analytics API. That’s not surprising given implications for the search industry.

Classically associated with paid search (PPC) applications and keyword research, get ready for more mainstream search marketing API tools to impact methodology and applications by which we publish content and measure organic SERPs (SEO).

Throngs of drooling developers can now mash data from Google’s ubiquitous free analytics package with AdWords, Trellian, LinkScape, Twitter and other public and pay APIs. The practice of blended data by API has already become the norm. Things are only going to get more exciting.

It’s a brave new world of “ToolStrings.” Tech team Witch doctors mashup custom chains of term extractors, crawlers, keyword inventory reports, non-personalized rank checkers, search analytics and other metrics, all delivered by mainstream and boutique APIs.

In coming days and weeks, webmasters will certainly be wiring Google Analytics data to enterprise content management systems to “advise” various tagging and linking schemas by keyword, page, and many other performance metrics.

The implications of the burgeoning API universe, to the world of undertaking  actionable user behavior measurements will make SEO, paid search and social media applications much smarter. Bravo Google.

Here are resources packed with technical information, industry news and  bloggers’ reactions regarding the new Google Analytics Beta API.

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